6:05 Superpodcast Wiki
El Pibe 10 1982

El Pibe 10 '82 & his Dancing Girls is a current Superuniverse Top 10 character, created from the hilarious reaction from TGBL regarding the female entourage that shambled and "danced" behind El Pibe 10 with little syncopation or rhythm before his matches.


El Pibe 10 '82 was mentioned on the very first episode of the Superpodcast.

Facts / Miscellaneous[]

Total appearances in the Top 10 : 0

*Note: Although El Pibe 10 '82 was mentioned in the very first episode of the show, he wasn't added to the Superuniverse Top 10 until after Episode 25, which was a few weeks after the creation of the Top 10 in Episode 19 (to which his next year version was a frequent "high flier" on the charts)



Titanes en el Ring - Diávolo vs Pibe 10. Arbitro William Boo
