Rasslin' Glen Goza is a current Superuniverse Top 10 character primarily based off of the botched time cues and pandering lyrics from a live version of the song R-A-S-S-L-I-N, performed by Glen Goza in the mid 80's for World Class Championship Wrestling, which was received with apathetic feedback from the irate audiences after listening.
The famous gaffe:
"My boss called again / said 'Friend we could /
be a model / for Fredricks of Hollywood /
but it's kinda nasty' / We were rasslin!"
Facts / Miscellaneous[]
First appearance in the Superuniverse Top 10: Episode 26 (#4)
Last appearance in the Superuniverse Top 10: Episode 69 (#8)
Total appearances: 18 (Episodes 26-31, 33-38, 40-43, 67, 69)
Links / Media[]
<a href="https://developers.facebook.com/superpodcast/videos/534366356748471/">Glen Goza Sings Rasslin' - Fort Worth, Texas 9/3/84</a>
"My boss called again and said friend we could be a model for Frederick’s Of Hollywood, but it’s kinda nasty. We were rasslin’!"
Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/superpodcast/">6:05 Superpodcast</a> on Tuesday, May 31, 2016