6:05 Superpodcast Wiki
605 New Buddha Khan

"Is that for true?"

"I'm sorry that happened." - The New Buddha Khan


The origin of the New Buddha Khan can be traced back to a conversation in Episode 57 between TGBL and Kurt Brown, in which Kurt was talking about some terrible wrestling promotions he used to wrestle for under his moniker of Vandal Drummond. He mentioned California Championship Wrestling - run and booked for a time by Karl Lauer, pictured right - being one of the most poorly booked and promoted shows he'd ever seen. Such examples included the tape "actually being re-wound" during a broadcast, having tape footage played in the wrong order, and the piss-poor babyface turn of Buddha Khan.

Buddha Khan - originally a heel - would turn babyface with no match involved; only through an interview with Karl Lauer. Karl starts off by noting that Buddha Khan is "new", in which Buddha Khan plainly states that he's going to "go by the rules from now on" and states that after causing an injury to Sgt. Hoss, he's "sorry that happened." The interview continues with other inane and insipid questions from Karl Lauer - who equally is the focus of this interview for his dry mannerisms and malapropisms ("I heard you've gone to children's hospital: is that for true?") - and ends with Buddha Khan stating that he's going to "push young children" to work hard with him and that he's sick of "the dirty stuff" because he knows "the good rules and the bad rules."

Over time, new footage would surface of Buddha Khan turning back to a "bad guy" by eventually beating up a homeless man, muttering "stinky bum, you!" He would also proclaim that his beat-down was "the Buddha Khan solution for the homeless people."


"I'm sorry that happened..."

"Stinky bum, you...!"

"I HEARD what you were talkin' about over there!"

"This is the Buddha Khan solution for the homeless people."

"Is that for true?" - Karl Lauer

Facts / Miscellaneous[]

First appearance in the Superuniverse Top 10: Episode 69 (#6)

Last appearance in the Superuniverse Top 10: Episode 75 (#8) 

Total appearances: 7 (Episodes 69 - 75)  

Links / Media[]

<a href="https://developers.facebook.com/superpodcast/videos/666342710217501/">The New Buddha Khan</a>

The New Buddha Khan

Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/superpodcast/">6:05 Superpodcast</a> on Tuesday, January 31, 2017


"Helping the homeless"."

